Nature is perfectly designed to provide our body with everything it needs. In accordance with this philosophy, our products are of natural origin, whether they are plant extracts, fruit or various vitamins. Thanks to very innovative extraction techniques, we obtain from each ingredient only the molecules essential for the human body, without altering them. These components are then combined in very specific dosages, creating a perfect synergy.
After all, why do we need to take supplements? Can we not find everything we need for our health in a normal and balanced diet?
Dr Luc Moudon has been working on this question for many years and explains in this exclusive interview with Vimuneco why he decided to introduce dietary supplements into his daily medical practice and how Vimuneco concept was born.
After all, why do we need to take supplements? Can we not find everything we need for our health in a normal and balanced diet?
Dr Luc Moudon has been working on this question for many years and explains in this exclusive interview with Vimuneco why he decided to introduce dietary supplements into his daily medical practice and how Vimuneco concept was born.
Who is behind Vimuneco? What is our history? How do we choose our ingredients? What are our values?
We had the pleasure to participate in a live chat with Mrs Nathalie Gaillard from @jooziafrance in which Mrs Carole Moudon, our CEO, answers all these questions.
Joozia France is an integrative health information portal supported by an online shop where you can find our products! Their mission is to share their sources of information and knowledge, and to offer you a selection of products related to vitalizing food.

Our products are of natural source.

We specialize in combining natural resources to act
as a synergy.

We are working with

Our products are of natural source.

We specialize in combining natural resources to act
as a synergy.

We are working with
Nature is perfectly designed to provide our body with everything it needs. In accordance with this philosophy, our products are of natural origin, whether they are plant extracts, fruit or various vitamins. Thanks to very innovative extraction techniques, we obtain from each ingredient only the molecules essential for the human body, without altering them. These components are then combined in very specific dosages, creating a perfect synergy.
From the selection of our ingredients to their combination in specific dosages and the way we dispense them, everything is thought out to offer you the best products.
Ingredient selection
Our components are biological ingredients. We strive to bring the benefits and strength of nature as intact as possible in our supplements. Thanks to the collaboration with health professionals, each of our ingredients is scientifically documented for its effects and recommended dosage.
Most formulas currently on the market are based on one or few ingredients whose effects are limited to their specificity. However, a pillar of Vimuneco’s methodology is the synergistic work between ingredients: by pairing certain ingredients with others, Vimuneco allows a better absorption of one while improving the effectiveness of the other. All our products are designed in this way to achieve a global effect of our products.
One sachet is the equivalent of 5-9 tablets. This way, Vimumeco offers you more product in a transportable packaging for you to take everywhere. Moreover, by using sachets, Vimuneco allows a better absorption of the products and limits waste.

From the selection of our ingredients to their combination in specific dosages and the way we dispense them, everything is thought out to offer you the best products.
Ingredient selection
Our components are biological ingredients. We strive to bring the benefits and strength of nature as intact as possible in our supplements. Thanks to the collaboration with health professionals, each of our ingredients is scientifically documented for its effects and recommended dosage.
Most formulas currently on the market are based on one or few ingredients whose effects are limited to their specificity. However, a pillar of Vimuneco’s methodology is the synergistic work between ingredients: by pairing certain ingredients with others, Vimuneco allows a better absorption of one while improving the effectiveness of the other. All our products are designed in this way to achieve a global effect of our products.
One sachet is the equivalent of 5-9 tablets. This way, Vimumeco offers you more product in a transportable packaging for you to take everywhere. Moreover, by using sachets, Vimuneco allows a better absorption of the products and limits waste.

What does that mean?
At Vimuneco, it is in our philosophy not only to provide products of the highest quality, but also to allow you to learn more about health and the natural resources available to us all. For this reason, in collaboration with Dr. Luc Moudon and other practitioners, Vimuneco gives you the opportunity to better understand certain aspects of your own health and metabolism. The topics discussed here will be included in our social media as well as more extensively in the newsletter to which you can subscribe.
What does that mean?
At Vimuneco, it is in our philosophy not only to provide products of the highest quality, but also to allow you to learn more about health and the natural resources available to us all. For this reason, in collaboration with Dr. Luc Moudon and other practitioners, Vimuneco gives you the opportunity to better understand certain aspects of your own health and metabolism. The topics discussed here will be included in our social media as well as more extensively in the newsletter to which you can subscribe.
Detoxification is the combined effect of cell cleansing from intracellular fat deposits and intracellular acids. The latter also has a positive influence on the intestinal microflora without fundamentally altering it. Detoxification is particularly important for the liver and muscle cells.
This is a complex issue involving the neutralization of “intracellular free radicals”. These interfere with cellular respiration and consequently with the proper functioning of the cells. One of the characteristics of increased free radicals is the dysfunction of the DNA repair mechanism. In this respect, anti-oxidation has anti-aging effects.
As a result of what we eat and breathe, the body amasses body and cellular acids. Alkaline elements act as a buffer and prevent the deposition of these acids.
PH balance
To function optimally, our body must maintain a good acid-base balance. In case of excess acidity, it will use regulatory systems, the buffer systems (blood, lungs, kidneys, bones, connective tissues, skin), to fight against this acidity. If the acid-base imbalance continues, this fight will have significant consequences on health, leading to various symptoms and diseases (fatigue, cramps, osteoporosis, kidney stones, etc.).
Body acidity is therefore an essential indicator and it is important to pay attention to it because its level influences the general state of health of each person.
How to determine body acidity
Body acidity is measured by pH, which determines the acidity and alkalinity of a liquid on a scale of 1 to 14, with a pH of 7 being a neutral state of equilibrium.
Body acidity is measured with a simple urine sample, because urine acidity reflects the excess acid in the body. Using a litmus paper stick (available at pharmacies), measure the pH by placing a few drops of urine on it: the paper will take on a different color depending on the level of acidity. Generally, this value is between 5 (extreme acidity) and 8 (insufficient acidity), the goal being to achieve a balance with a pH around 7.3 – 7.4, which is slightly basic. Depending on our lifestyle and our diet, our bodies tend to become more or less acidic and it is important to restore a balance to allow all of our body’s systems to function properly.
PH measurements must be taken regularly in order to see its evolution. It is good to note that it is best to avoid any measurements on the first urine in the morning, which is usually more acidic.
The right acid-base balance
The acid-base balance results from the complex regulation of different systems and this balance is essential for the proper functioning of the body, especially that of the immune system. The more toxic an organism, the more acidic it is and the cleaner an organism, the more urine will become alkalinized. A good acid-base balance implies that the urinary pH is higher than 7, or slightly basic.
If the acidity is too high, various measures must be taken to restore an adequate acidity level. He will first be prescribed a set of mineral salts because, to counter the hyperacidity of the metabolism, the body has drawn on its resources of alkaline minerals.
It will then be essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, stress, etc.) aimed at establishing a long-term balance. Spontaneous normalization of urine pH takes a few months, sometimes even more than a year, depending on the degree of toxicity of the individual and their discipline of food regulation.
Factors influencing body acidity
The current diet is generally based on excessive consumption of acidifying foods and too few alkalizing foods. It is therefore necessary to modify the diet sustainably, favoring fruits and vegetables which constitute the basis of a good acid-base balance.
Excessive consumption of meat and fish as well as other foods such as dairy products , eggs, coffee, sugar and refined grains tend to acidify the urine. They should therefore be avoided as much as possible.
Conversely, a diet favoring vegetables, fruits and legumes is alkaline, because these foods deacidify the body and provide essential compensating minerals. It is good to note that acidic fruits such as grapefruit, orange, lemon do not cause excess acidity in the body because their metabolism is alkaline.
Water is neutral , and helps to wash away and dilute excess acids. It is therefore important to consume at least 1.5 liters per day. Note that some mineral waters are particularly alkaline.
Drugs and food supplements
Taking certain drugs, such as most anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin, is one of the main causes of acid-base imbalance.
Conversely, in addition to a balanced diet, taking quality food supplements providing alkalizing substances can be of great help to find a good acid-base balance. Our product Imozan ADX also contains natural alkalizing ingredients such as vitamin C, turmeric and pomegranate.
Regular physical activity has a positive impact on acid-base balance. Indeed, it allows the body to be better supplied with oxygen and allows organs and cells to detoxify.
Immune System
The immune system is the organism that produces immune responses to defend your body against foreign substances, cells or tissues. It relies on various organs such as the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, macrophages, lymphocytes, including B and T cells, as well as the production of antibodies.
Detoxification is the combined effect of cell cleansing from intracellular fat deposits and intracellular acids. The latter also has a positive influence on the intestinal microflora without fundamentally altering it. Detoxification is particularly important for the liver and muscle cells.
This is a complex issue involving the neutralization of “intracellular free radicals”. These interfere with cellular respiration and consequently with the proper functioning of the cells. One of the characteristics of increased free radicals is the dysfunction of the DNA repair mechanism. In this respect, anti-oxidation has anti-aging effects.
As a result of what we eat and breathe, the body amasses body and cellular acids. Alkaline elements act as a buffer and prevent the deposition of these acids.
PH balance
To function optimally, our body must maintain a good acid-base balance. In case of excess acidity, it will use regulatory systems, the buffer systems (blood, lungs, kidneys, bones, connective tissues, skin), to fight against this acidity. If the acid-base imbalance continues, this fight will have significant consequences on health, leading to various symptoms and diseases (fatigue, cramps, osteoporosis, kidney stones, etc.).
Body acidity is therefore an essential indicator and it is important to pay attention to it because its level influences the general state of health of each person.
How to determine body acidity
Body acidity is measured by pH, which determines the acidity and alkalinity of a liquid on a scale of 1 to 14, with a pH of 7 being a neutral state of equilibrium.
Body acidity is measured with a simple urine sample, because urine acidity reflects the excess acid in the body. Using a litmus paper stick (available at pharmacies), measure the pH by placing a few drops of urine on it: the paper will take on a different color depending on the level of acidity. Generally, this value is between 5 (extreme acidity) and 8 (insufficient acidity), the goal being to achieve a balance with a pH around 7.3 – 7.4, which is slightly basic. Depending on our lifestyle and our diet, our bodies tend to become more or less acidic and it is important to restore a balance to allow all of our body’s systems to function properly.
PH measurements must be taken regularly in order to see its evolution. It is good to note that it is best to avoid any measurements on the first urine in the morning, which is usually more acidic.
The right acid-base balance
The acid-base balance results from the complex regulation of different systems and this balance is essential for the proper functioning of the body, especially that of the immune system. The more toxic an organism, the more acidic it is and the cleaner an organism, the more urine will become alkalinized. A good acid-base balance implies that the urinary pH is higher than 7, or slightly basic.
If the acidity is too high, various measures must be taken to restore an adequate acidity level. He will first be prescribed a set of mineral salts because, to counter the hyperacidity of the metabolism, the body has drawn on its resources of alkaline minerals.
It will then be essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, stress, etc.) aimed at establishing a long-term balance. Spontaneous normalization of urine pH takes a few months, sometimes even more than a year, depending on the degree of toxicity of the individual and their discipline of food regulation.
Factors influencing body acidity
The current diet is generally based on excessive consumption of acidifying foods and too few alkalizing foods. It is therefore necessary to modify the diet sustainably, favoring fruits and vegetables which constitute the basis of a good acid-base balance.
Excessive consumption of meat and fish as well as other foods such as dairy products , eggs, coffee, sugar and refined grains tend to acidify the urine. They should therefore be avoided as much as possible.
Conversely, a diet favoring vegetables, fruits and legumes is alkaline, because these foods deacidify the body and provide essential compensating minerals. It is good to note that acidic fruits such as grapefruit, orange, lemon do not cause excess acidity in the body because their metabolism is alkaline.
Water is neutral , and helps to wash away and dilute excess acids. It is therefore important to consume at least 1.5 liters per day. Note that some mineral waters are particularly alkaline.
Drugs and food supplements
Taking certain drugs, such as most anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin, is one of the main causes of acid-base imbalance.
Conversely, in addition to a balanced diet, taking quality food supplements providing alkalizing substances can be of great help to find a good acid-base balance. Our product Imozan ADX also contains natural alkalizing ingredients such as vitamin C, turmeric and pomegranate.
Regular physical activity has a positive impact on acid-base balance. Indeed, it allows the body to be better supplied with oxygen and allows organs and cells to detoxify.
Immune System
The immune system is the organism that produces immune responses to defend your body against foreign substances, cells or tissues. It relies on various organisms such as the thymus, spleen, lymph glands, macrophages, lymphocytes, including B and T cells, as well as the production of antibodies.
Immunity has specific and non-specific components. The non-specific components act as general repressors or barriers. Other components of the immune system adapt to each new disease encountered and can generate specific immunity to the foreign body.